October 23, 2009, Newsletter Issue #30: Generate Publicity with New Hire Press Releases

Tip of the Week

Adding a new key employee to your staff, or promoting an employee to a new position is a great way to generate publicity for your organization and to let your employees know that they are valued members of the team. Remember that an important component of any effective public relations plan includes elements of employee relations, and most people love to see their names in print. 
When you add a new employee, simply write a new hire press release and send it to the appropriate media outlets. Send a promotion news release whenever you promote someone from within. Many local and industry publications, such as newspapers, chamber of commerce publications, and trade magazines have special sections dedicated employee promotions and new hires. Many of the free news release newswires and posting services also accept new hire news releases. 
Use a standard press release template to format your new hire releases. The content should be brief and to the point. It should mention the company, the new employees name and credentials, and the position for which he or she was hired. Additionally, it is a good idea to include the company’s website address to (a) make it easy for interested parties to find the company’s website and (b) to enhance search engine ranking by creating a backlink assuming the news release is posted online.

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